Found 801 results
F. Castro, Pérez. El Códice de Profetas de El Cairo. Tomo IV. Isaías. Edición de su texto y masoras In Textos y Estudios “Cardenal Cisneros” de la Biblia Políglota Matritense 36. Madrid: Instituto de Filología del CSIC, 1986.
Falenciak, Jerzy. Hebrew Bible from the XIII Century in the Manucsripts of the University Library in Wrocław. Cod. M 1106 In Bibliteka Uniwesytecka we Wrocławiu Komunikat 1. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersitety Wrocławskiego, 1986.
Kohn, Gary J., and Gary J. John. The Jewish Experience: A Guide to Manuscript Sources in the Library Congress. Cincinnati, Ohio: Ktav Pub Inc, 1986.
Wonneberger, Ronald. Leitfaden zur Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. 2. Auflage ed. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986.
Beit-Arié, Malachi. "Paleographical Identification of Hebrew Manuscripts: Methodology and Practice." Jewish Art 12-13 (1986): 15-44.
Zer, R. "R. Ya’aqov Sappir’s Meoroth Nathan." Lešonenu 50 (1986): 151-213.
Haran, Menahem. "Bible Scroll in Eastern and Western Lands from Qumran to the High Middle Ages." HUCA 56 (1985): 21-62.
Yeivin, Israel. "A Biblical MS Very Close to the Aleppo Codex." Textus 12 (1985).
Goldstein, David. Hebrew Manuscript Painting. London: British Library, 1985.
Narkiss, Bezalel, and Eliza Cohen-Mushlin. The Kennicott Bible. London: Facsimile Editions, 1985.
Sirat, Colette, Malachi Beit-Arié, and Mordechai Glatzer. Manuscrits médiévaux en caractères hébraïques portant des indications de date jusqu'à 1540 - Tome III. Vol. IIIa Notices. Paris and Jérusalem: Comité de Paléographie Hébraïque, 1985.
Sirat, Colette, Malachi Beit-Arié, and Mordechai Glatzer. Manuscrits médiévaux en caractères hébraïques portant des indications de date jusqu'à 1540 - Tome III. Vol. IIIb Planches. Paris and Jérusalem: Comité de Paléographie Hébraïque, 1985.
Beit-Arié, Malachi, Menahem Banitt, Zefira Entin Rokéaḥ, and Valmadonna Trust Library. The only dated medieval Hebrew manuscript written in England (1189 CE) and the problem of pre-expulsion Anglo-Hebrew manuscripts. Valmadonna Trust Library, 1985.
Pavoncello, Nello. "Pergamene ebraiche nella Biblioteca Civica Gambalunga di Rimini." AION 45 (1985): 509-513.
Selected manuscripts and prints, Edited by Mordekhai Nadav. Jerusalem: Jewish National and Univ. Library, 1985.
Beit-Arié, Malachi. "The Worms Maìzor: Its History and Its Palaeographic and Codicological Characteristics." In Worms Maìzor. Introductory Volume, 152-180. Worms, 1985.
Monasterio, M.-T. Ortega. "El Texto de los Códices Modelo según el ’Or Tôrah de Mĕnaìem de Lonzano." In Simposio biblico español (Salamanca, 1982), 193-212. Madrid: N. Fernández Marcos & J. Trebolle Barrera & J. Fernández Vallina, 1984.
Róth, Ernst, and Hans Striedl. Hebräische Handschriften: Die Handschriften der Sammlung H.B. Levy an der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg. Steiner, 1984.
Roth, Ernest, and Hans Striedl. Hebräische Handschriften. Teil 3 In Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland 6. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1984.
Narkiss, Bezalel. Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts. Jerusalem: Keter Publishing House, 1984.
Narkiss, Bezalel, and Gabrielle Sed-Rajna. Index of Jewish Art. Iconographical Index of Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts. Volume V. Illuminated Manuscripts of the Copenhagen Collection at the Royal Library, Copenhagen. The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letter/Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities/The Center for Jewish Art/Paris: Institut de recherché et d’histoire des textes, 1984.
Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe H. "The “Keter Aram Tzova” and the Maimonidean Laws concerning a Torah Scroll: The Relationship between Biblical Philology and the Development of Halacha." In Jubilee Volume in Honor of Morienu Hagaon Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, 871-888. Jerusalem/New York: S. Israeli & N. Lamm & Y. Raphael, 1984.
Wonneberger, Ronald. Leitfaden zur Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1984.
Wonneberger, Ronald. Understanding BHS: A Manual for the Users of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Roma: Biblical Institute Press, 1984.